"Chris is a true dreamer, wondering and playing in every passage of life. The beauty he shares through his journey, both within and out, shines through what he creates and who he shows up as." - Harley
Chris Miyashiro
I’ll be honest when I first bumped into Chris Miyashiro, all I saw was someone who had a nice feel and could skate,
haha and that’s all that was planned; to maybe do a little video together.
In the end, he helped create and poured his heart into one of the most beautiful collections
we’ve had the pleasure of working on.

"I'm Hawaiian but Chris teaches me so much new stuff about the culture every day. I think that's definitely one of the things that drives him is helping to rekindle the loss of tradition and culture
in Hawaii.
I don't know if you know much about the history but there's unfortunately been a lot of loss and pain in terms of Hawaiian culture when since Hawaii was annexed to America. Like for example, my dad is 72 and he went to an all-Hawaiian school he was never taught Hawaiian.
I think also the message he sends in a lot of his art is the simplicity of life and living close to the land and just the raw beauty and purity of it all."
- Brittany Hokulani Penaroza

We had no idea of the meaning of the crafts until they were done.
It was a collection that we kind of dove into blind and Chris guided us through only a step at a time, sharing fragments of his life journey so far in the crafts and collection.
We will feel forever honored to have been able to share these crafts, to share a little of Chris's work and his story.
I hope you, too, feel the magic in these crafts and what he has to share.
One day I also hope his walking's and message, and ideas reach all four corners of the globe. In whatever shape or form that is... Knowing Chris, it'll be a story worth hearing about though haha.
Chris is someone with true depth, soul and grit, someone always venturing into the unknown. A glimmer of light that the world yearns for more than ever at the moment.

Huge thank you to Christian Edwards from Nuage Vision
who helped bring this clip together and shot a lot of the images for the collection.

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The Remaining Crafts

Chris's Website
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You can also checkout Chris and more of his insane work through his youtube below and Instagram: @mystomiyashiro
AS THE lEI of life ends its flight, plunging into the sea
I see corridors adorning the halls of time and fading into dust
Before advancing through the threshold of this life...